Principal Message

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow”.
Anthony J. D’Angelo.

B D Convent Senior Secondary School is a proud mission driven community providing a world class education, celebrating the fact that each student is different, as a person and as a learner. We believe that powerful learning and teaching occurs under a shared spirit of respect which creates a passionate schooling experience recognized for its warmth, energy and excellence. Here people are valued and can fulfill their potential both as teachers and learners.

We foster a positive spirit and believe in partnership between students, parents, teachers and support staff striving to create a milieu that sustains excellence. Our distinction lies in the pursuit of high academic attainment through support, encouragement, praise and motivation.

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think”-Socrates.
Open mindedness, a multicultural orientation, independence, a global outlook, multiple intelligences and abilities – these are the premium qualities needed today. As a 21st century organization, the school desires to set an approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking and an ethical approach that becomes a lifetime habit. The students are helped to focus on confidence building, while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility through academic and co-curricular activities as we believe, like Paul “Bear” Bryant that, “It is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference”.

I strongly believe that education is a collaborative effort that involves professional administrators, committed teachers and motivated students. We dedicate ourselves as professional administrators in creating a dynamic education programme empowering the students in a global perspective.

We are a group of diverse experiences and outlooks, committed to excellence in preparing learners for enriched opportunities worldwide. In short, learning at BDCS is a wholesome package of attitude, challenge and opportunity.